After a long pause in field movement due to Covid-19 restrictions, Prosperity project has now resumed on-site field monitoring across the working areas to track progress against the set goals and objectives.
As part of the monitoring plan, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at PKSF has already finalised the Results-Based Monitoring (RBM) framework.
As the Covid-19 situation improves, PKSF has started organising Training of Trainers (ToT) both for PIU as well as for field-level staff of partner organisations. In September 2021, the project organised two three-day residential training, one in the South and one in the North having around 35 participants from 16 POs in each of the ToTs.
Participant PO officials are mostly technical officers and project coordinators, who are an integral part of Prosperity’s monitoring activities.
Objectives of RBM under the project includes: timely recording of activities and outputs, identifying any deviations from work plans, identifying constraints or bottlenecks, assessing efficiency and effectiveness, learning achievements and mistakes, taking corrective measures, increasing staff capacity to perform better and assessing progress and results.
The training was divided into several theoretical and practical sessions, including introduction to RBM and RBM under the PPEPP project. The training covered Results-chain of the Prosperity RBM system that covers Activity to Output Monitoring (ATOM), Outputs, Outcome and Impact monitoring.
The trainees participated in field demonstrations of mock data collection and discuss the findings and challenges of data acquisition for RBM.
The training also demonstrated the outcome and impact data entry process using a mobile application-based digital data recording.