Rawshan Ara, a PPEPP-EU member, receives the prestigious ‘Joyeeta Award’


Mst Rawshan Ara, a PPEPP-EU member from Kamarkhola, is awarded the prestigious ‘Best Joyeeta’ award by the Department of Women Affairs in Dacope Upazila, Khulna. The local administration handed her the award while commemorating the ‘Begum Rokeya Day’ and the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women’ earlier in December 2023.

Rawshan was awarded for her significant achievement under the ‘Financially Successful Women’ category and for inspiring her community members through her hard work and entrepreneurship skills.

‘I never thought to be on that stage among all the dignities. I thank the PPEPP-EU project for honouring me with this award,’ said Rawshan (38), excited after receiving the award.

After serving as a day labourer for many years, Rawshan turned her life around by starting a fish farm with training and grant support from the PPEPP-EU project in early 2021. While making a good profit from fish farming, she took up another income-generating activity (IGA) of vermicompost production by taking a 20,000 taka loan from the PPEPP-EU project.

Now, she makes a significant profit of around 10,000 taka by selling fish and vermicompost in the local market. Besides selling, she uses fertiliser for pond-side vegetable production that helps meet her family’s nutritional needs.

Looking forward, Rawshan built her own house where she lives with her husband, a daughter and a son- who has physical disabilities. With the help of the PPEPP-EU project, her son received the identity card issued by the government for persons with disabilities and now receives disability allowance from the government.

With her mesmerising success, Rawshan has not only eased her family’s financial hardship but also inspired other women in her community to step forward and take up their income-generating activities. She said, ‘It gives me great pleasure when my neighbouring women come to take my advice, and I see them engaging in similar IGAs.’