PIU starts virtual training for the PO staff


PKSF’s Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Pathways to Prosperity is organising a month-long virtual training for the technical staff of the partner organisations, who are implementing the programme.

The training began on 15 June 2020 using Zoom, as project staff are unable to travel to conduct the training in person due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The training aims to enhance the skills of the PO staff for an effective implementation of the programme, jointly funded by the DFID and the EU.

A total of 175 participants from 19 implementing partner organisations are taking part in the training.

They are 22 Project Coordinators, 23 Technical Officers (Livelihoods), 21 Technical Officers (Nutrition), 21 Technical Officers (Community Mobilisation), 11 Assistant Technical Officers (Nutrition), 11 Assistant Technical Officers (Community Mobilisation), 44 Assistant Technical Officers (Livelihoods) and 22 CNHPs.

The day-long training, divided into different sessions, is being conducted by a pool of trainers at the PKSF.

The training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including Health Protocol in the wake of Covid-19 and Community Mobilisation; Nutrition Sensitive Farming and Fisheries Activities; Basic Knowledge of Malnutrition, Process of Anthropometric Measurements, Life-cycle based Nutrition Activities under Prosperity programme, Basic concept of Community Mobilisation, Coordination between Programme Component and Cross-cutting issues, Job Responsibilities of Technical Officers and Assistant Technical Officer and CNHP.

Jointly funded by the UK’s Department for International Development and the European Union, the programme supports extremely poor people to connect them with the mainstream economic growth and create income-generating opportunities for their sustainable development.

It aims to lift 1 million people from 2,50,000 households out of extreme poverty by March 2025.