PPEPP-EU’s CNHPs receive training on nutrition and primary healthcare


The Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People-European Union (PPEPP-EU) project is organising a series of training on nutrition and primary healthcare services for 350 Community Nutrition and Health Promoters (CNHPs) of 19 partner organisations (POs) to enhance their skills for better service delivery.

The first batch of the three-day training titled ‘Technical Training on Nutrition and Primary Healthcare’ was organised by DSK, an implementing partner of PPEPP-EU, on 27 November 2023 in Mithamain Upazila, Kishoreganj. Subsequently, two other partners, PMUK and POPI, organised two more training sessions in Nikli and Kishoreganj Sadar, and more training is now underway.

The training, divided into theoretical and practical sessions, imparted knowledge on a range of issues such as direct and indirect nutritional activities, maternal, children and adolescent nutrition and healthcare and ensuring safe water, sanitation and hygiene.

As part of hands-on sessions, the trainees visited households and participated in anthropometric measurements of children below five. The participants also learned to use necessary tools and techniques related to primary healthcare service delivery, such as blood pressure, pulse, blood grouping, dressing, glucose and pregnancy tests.

The nutrition component’s technical and assistant technical officers are conducting different training sessions across all the POs of the PPEPP-EU project.

Nutrition and Primary Healthcare is a core component of the PPEPP-EU project, which seeks to tackle intergenerational poverty by addressing malnutrition through nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific interventions.

As part of hands-on sessions, the trainees visited households and participated in anthropometric measurements of children below five. The participants also learned to use necessary tools and techniques related to primary healthcare service delivery, such as blood pressure, pulse, blood grouping, dressing, glucose and pregnancy tests.

The nutrition component’s technical and assistant technical officers are conducting different training sessions across all the POs of the PPEPP-EU project.

Nutrition and Primary Healthcare is a core component of the PPEPP-EU project, which seeks to tackle intergenerational poverty by addressing malnutrition through nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific interventions.