Project director, deputy project director PKSF senior management visits Prosperity working areas


PKSF General Manager and Prosperity Project Director Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury undertook a three-day visit to Gaibandha district to observe the progress made over the last four years by extremely poor people with support from Prosperity project.

During the visit starting from May 24-26, Dr Sharif, accompanied by other project officials, inspected the field monitoring mechanism put in place by the partner organisations.

Another team lead by Deputy Project Director Tanvir Sultana visited field activities of two downstream partner organisations in the southwest coastal regions. Senior project officials of livelihood, nutrition, community mobilisation and disability components accompanied her.

Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People (PPEPP), Prosperity for short, emphasises on strong monitoring to ensure effective service delivery.

Both teams visited a number of income-generating activities such as fish culture, chicken and duck rearing, homestead gardening, Prosperity Bari (a model house) and various platforms under the project, including Prosperity Village Committee (PVC), Mother and Child Forum, and Adolescent Girls Clubs.

They also held several meetings local-level government officials to discuss Prosperity participant’s access to various services including primary healthcare and social safety net allowance.


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