Results-Based Monitoring, on-site monitoring underway to track progress


Prosperity project is now conducting a Results-Based Monitoring to track progress of the last three years’ activities, alongside intensifying on-site monitoring.

Data collection for RBM, which began in November 2021 simultaneously across the working area, is now near-complete. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at PKSF is conducting the RBM with internal capacity to save both money and time.

A total of 2,160 participants, who have received various financial and non-financial services around sustainable livelihoods, better nutrition and other cross-cutting issues, are being surveyed as part of the RBM.

This is the first RBM under Prosperity project, and its findings will be used as the baseline for future RBMs in the rest of the project tenure, which ends in 2025.

After data collection, the findings will be analysed to:
o identify any deviations from work plans,
o identify constraints or bottlenecks,
o assess efficiency and effectiveness of interventions,
o assess progress and results, and
o take corrective measures where needed.

Before the data collection began, PIU and PO staff were trained in two batches for better understanding of the RBM system. Each training lasted three days, when the RBM questionnaire was also field-tested. Subsequently, the questionnaire was revised based on the suggestions of PIU and PO staff and household-level experience during the field test.

Alongside the RBM data collection, the PIU has intensified on-site monitoring to see progress on the ground and determine potentiality of IGA expansion and replication, depending on the initial success and the potential risks and challenges involved.

Over the last one month, Project Director Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury, who is also a general manager of PKSF, led multiple on-site monitoring teams in north, south and haor regions covered by the project.

During the visits, the monitoring teams suggested improvements and solutions to operational and implementation-related issues.


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