Training of trainers (ToT) on EP HH Identification for PIU


PKSF has organized a Training of Trainer (ToT) for the PIU during 01-03 September 2019. In addition to the thematic areas related to the identification of extremely poor households, a session was taken by Prof Dr Md Golam Samdani Fakir, Vice-Chancellor, the Green University of Bangladesh and a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University. Other sessions were facilitated by distinguished resource persons including Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury, General Manager & Advisor, PPEPP project and Dr A.K.M. Nuruzzaman, General Manager, PKFS. Professor Samdani, a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University, explored a set of seven high performing habits for personal development to accelerate workplace competence. The presentation, inspired by The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen R. Covey (1989) embodies many of the fundamental principles of human effectiveness.