PKSF starts training PO staff on selection and verification process


The training aims to enhance their skills for effective project implementation

PKSF’s Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Pathways to Prosperity project has begun training the entire project staff of 19 Partner Organisations on extreme-poor household selection and verification process to enhance their skills on efficient targeting.

Nearly 1,200 technical officers, assistant technical officers, MIS officers, data collectors, and other senior officials of the 19 POs, who are implementing the project on the ground, will receive the training in 42 batches over the next two months.

The PKSF has formed six teams of Master Trainers who will conduct the training at the partner level. Each team is made up of two to three officials from the PIU of PKSF.

The training of the first three batches began on 8 February 2020 for the officials of three POs – Rural Construction Foundation (RRF), Addin Welfare Foundation and Unnayan Prochesta – all located in the southern region.

Each batch will receive training for three days on the multidimensional programme covering some 2.5 lakh households in 15 districts of Bangladesh.

The training will enhance the participants’ knowledge about inclusive growth and the poverty dynamics in Bangladesh as well as various skills necessary for the successful implementation of the project.

Training locations across Bangladesh
The training will have a series of theoretical and technical sessions on the Prosperity project, its objectives, participant selection, verification and validation process, Social Mapping, FGD and census techniques. As part of the practical sessions, participants will take part in Transect Walk and hold mock FGDs and census.

The training is being conducted so the project officials can gain, among other things:

  • In-depth understanding of the project’s objectives, goal, activities as well as the expected results;
  • Clear understanding of the extreme-poor household selection and verification process;
  • Knowledge about collecting and preserving project-related information, photos and videos; and
  • Use ODK system for submission of FGD and census data accurately.

During the training, divided into 13 sessions, the resource persons will hold elaborate discussions on all these topics as well as the multidimensional aspects of poverty, the Asset Pentagon, and the multifarious interventions to address poverty and extreme poverty.

The Pathways to Prosperity project, jointly funded by the DFID and the EU, supports extremely poor people to connect them with the mainstream economic growth and create income-generating opportunities for their sustainable development.

The project aims to lift 1 million people from 2,50,000 households out of extreme poverty by March 2025.


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