Two-day Exposure Visit was organised for skills development in Chuadanga, Meherpur


PKSF’s Project Implementation Unit of the Pathways to Prosperity project organised a second Exposure Visit at WAVE Foundation in Chuadanga and Meherpur for technical officers recruited by the partner organisations who will be implementing the project for the extremely poor people on the ground.

The visit is aimed at developing skills, technical knowledge and insights of the project officials through hands-on training, presentations on the Pathways to Prosperity project and its components, discussions as well as field visits.

Twenty-four newly recruited technical and assistant technical officers from 10 partner organisations, who have already began working on the ground in the piloting phase, took part in the 18-19 December 2019 visit.

During these visits, project officials are learning about various employment generation and poverty reduction projects and their components, community mobilisation techniques and effective communication style at the grassroots level.

A key purpose of exposure visits is to create a platform for the project officials, who come from diverse backgrounds and different working areas, to share their experience of working with the extreme poor and learn from each other.

These visits also create scope for integration among different components of the project such as Resilient Livelihood, Nutrition, and Community Mobilisation, which will help project officials to deliver better results and contribute to inclusive growth.

During the visit, participants get a clear idea about the project objectives and its goal, as well as how best to achieve them.

PKSF Deputy Manager Mohammad Moniruzzaman Khan and Senior Programme Manager (Community Mobilisation) Mohammad Zahidul Islam are present as resource persons during the visit.

As part of the visit, the technical officers, guided by the PKSF officials, visited a Black Bengal Goat and a fat-tailed sheep farms, a duck farm, a fish hatchery and a coco dust nursery, among other things.

They also held a series of meetings with various forums, including Elderly People’s Forum, Upazila Lokmorcha, Kishori Club and Ward as well as Youth Committees.

The meetings discussed the potentials and challenges in their areas as well as their expectations from the Pathways to Prosperity project, which is being jointly funded by the DFID and the EU.

Earlier on 3-4 December, another batch of 24 technical officers took part in the exposure visit at the WAVE Foundation in Chuadanga.

In the coming weeks, another 50 project officials from the same POs will take part in the visits in two batches.

All these Exposure Visits will be organised at the WAVE Foundation, a PKSF partner working for poverty reduction since 1990.

WAVE Foundation will implement the Pathways to Prosperity project in Magura and Patuakhali.

The Pathways to Prosperity project supports extremely poor people to connect them with the mainstream economic growth and create income generating opportunities for their sustainable development.

The project aims to lift 1 million people from 0.25 million households out of extreme poverty by March 2025.