PIU holds daylong workshop on selection process, its challenges and way forward

Addressing Mistargeting


Why does mistargeting happen either through inclusion error or through exclusion error? What are some technical and management issues that are key to accurate data collection and selection process? And what are some financial and accounting issues essential for implementing the project in a transparent manner?

To address all these issues, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Pathways to Prosperity project held a daylong workshop at the PKSF Bhaban in Dhaka on Tuesday, 12 November 2019.

The purpose was to share the learnings from the FGDs and census done so far to better understand the challenges and help project officials devise a foolproof selection and targeting process.

The workshop, from 10:00, am to 5:00 pm, discussed the following in detail:
1. Selection process, targeting and management issue
2. Observations on the FGD and census already completed by the 10 POs in the piloting
3. Observations on data collection and submission using ODK
4. Accounting guidelines for the POs
5. Member selection and verification process

The workshop was attended by 30 representatives, including 10 executive directors and 10 focal persons, from the 10 POs who are carrying out FGDs and census as part of the piloting. PKSF Deputy Managing Director Golam Mawla and PKSF General Manager Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury opened the session at 10:00 am and later addressed some of the issues, including technical and financial, raised by the participants.



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